Sometimes clients come into therapy because they seem to be floundering and have lost direction. In essence, they don’t believe they have leadership of their own life. Others come into therapy because they are feeling frustrated. They are wanting to bring their leadership to their career, community, life and are not sure how to go about it. When thinking about leadership it is useful to consider your own beliefs, images and attitudes about leaders. Do you envy leaders? Are you competitive?
Do you resent someone else taking charge? Do you find it hard to speak up to a leader and lapse into passive-aggressive behaviour? Often it is helpful to explore your early beliefs about authority figures in relationship to your family of origin. Do you project unresolved authority issues from your childhood onto leaders? Is there an unhealed neurotic part of you that blames leaders for “taking it away from you” or for “not giving it to you”. These are regressed unhealed parts of your personality that can block your greatness. Other blocks can be risk of exposure and criticism or being misunderstood.
“A leader is not a leader until he or she claims it” (Stuart Black).
The first step is to take leadership of your own life. In Core Energetics we do this by taking responsibility for our own negativity, being prepared to feel painful feelings of when we were thwarted by authority/parents/teachers, challenging distorted and negative beliefs, and claiming higher self qualities.
Part of working with these issues is also about working with the body. Chronic muscular tension literally “holds us back” from expressing leadership qualities and bringing them to the world. People who have more blocks in their upper body often have more issues with control, and those who have more blocks in their lower body often report feeling stuck and have difficulty taking responsibility. Working with the body-mind helps to unblock the life force, and life potential.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” –
John C. Maxwell