Choosing Life …
A disturbing event in 2014 was the loss of Robin Williams to the world. To find that a man who brought so much joy to others battled so much with darkness was difficult to comprehend. I feel so sad for him and his family. I imagine many of us will be integrating thoughts and feelings about this for a while. I may make myself unpopular by saying this, but I’m going to go ahead and say it anyway. And, I say this without judgement of Robin Williams as only he can know how much pain and suffering filled his life. However I want to say this very clearly to you. Your life is worth fighting for. I know this because I suffered from severe depression that was resistant to most intervention for more than twenty years. For me, the road to embodiment through Core Energetics helped me to save my own life. It was hard, it was painful, it probably cost more than what some people pay for a house (over ten year of therapy, workshops and trainings). I got better, I slipped back, I got better, I slipped back. Karyne my therapist said “I didn’t promise you a rose garden”. She wasn’t kidding. But bit by bit I started to bloom. I have not had depression for a number of years, even when things go badly, I can still find some happiness or fulfillment in life. The issue I have when high profile celebrities suicide is that they unconsciously and implicitly give others permission to do the same. I am not a celebrity, but I am giving you full and explicit permission to fight for your life and LIVE FULLY. Dr. Alexander Lowen said the wish to die versus the will to live is in many of us. Choose life – it is worth it.